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You go to "My Account", then to "My Profile". Then you go to Edit > Update your profile, and you click on the tab "Profile Picture".
Here, you will be able to choose from a selection of images, or upload one of your own. You can change or remove your picture at any time.
Circle Groups can be created and used for specific subjects. For example, someone can create a group especially for interacting with members that live in the same area, or have the same interest in a particular topic.
To find the Circle Groups, go to "My Account" and then to "My Groups". This will show a list of groups you are currently a member of. However, there are also additional submenus:
- Find More Groups: a list of all available groups, including groups you haven't joined
- My Own Groups: a list of all groups that you created or are the administrator of
- Create a Group: create your own group
- Group Invites: a list of invitations to groups that were sent to you
Every group provides an "Activity Wall" upon which the members can post, as well as the ability to add photos, video links and events. Please note that new groups need to be approved by us first before they are activated.
Aside from Circle Groups, every Nemeton and Vernemeton (local NOD grove) can also have an online presence with a group, as do E-Nemetons.
To add someone to your connections, you go to the profile of the person you want to add as a friend. On top of the page, you will then see a menu called "Connections". By hovering over that menu, you will see the submenu "Add connection". By clicking on that, you will send a friend request to this person. Notice that the person will not be your friend yet, until they accept your friendship request.
To remove someone from your connections, go to the profile of the person you want to remove as a friend. On top of the page, you will then see a menu called "Connections". By hovering over that menu, you will see the submenu "Remove connection". By clicking on that, you will remove your friend connection to this person. You can also go to your own profile, to the tab "Friends" and use the dropdown menu of a certain connection to choose "Remove connection".
There are various ways to go to the profile of another member:
1. On the forums, simply click the name as it appears on the right of a post they have made.
2. On the news feed, click on the name left of a status or post they have made.
3. Go to "My Account". Then go to "My Friends" and "Find more people". You will then find a list of all members on the NOD website, and have the ability to search.
You are practically in full control of the privacy of your NOD profile. For nearly every part of your profile, you have the option to choose a privacy setting, which is one of the following options:
- Connections: only those people you have "connected" with (added to your list of friends, so to speak)
- Connections of Connections: those people you have "connected" with, as well as the connections of your connections (friends of friends)
- Public: all members of NOD, when they are logged in
Note that NOD profiles are NEVER visible to the public, even if your profile privacy is set to "public", it will only be visible to other NOD members who are logged in on the website.
You can also use the specific "connection types", such as "Mentors" and "Students", to control your privacy based on that.
While you can set the privacy of your entire profile, you can also control the privacy of specific profile fields. Here's an overview of what you can and can't change the privacy settings of:
Always set to "public" (visible to all logged in NOD members):
- Your "display name" (this does not need to be the same as your username or real name, and you can change it any time)
- Your "hometown & country"
- Your NOD position (if applicable)
- Your avatar/profile picture
- Your friends
Always set to private and will never be displayed on your profile or anywhere else:
- Everything in the "private info" tab, including your real name and address
- Your newsletter settings
You can change the following to a different privacy setting (default is "public"):
- Your relation ship status and religion in the "basic info" tab
- The "about me" tab (if left empty, this tab will not be shown to other members who visit your profile)
- The "profile" tab and every field in it
When going to "edit my profile", you can:
- set your general profile privacy setting by going to your "Private Info" tab
- change the privacy of an entire tab, by going to the tab and looking in the right corner
- change the privacy of a specific field (such as "favourite music") by going to the related tab and then to the field itself, where the selection will be displayed next or below it
These settings allow you to control exactly who sees what. For example, you can choose to keep your profile public to all NOD members (setting: "public") but the "Profile" tab only to "connections of connections" and the "favourite books" field only to your friends. Remember that the strictest setting is always the valid one: if a tab is set to "connections" and a field in it is set to "connections of connections", the tab will still only show to your friends and not to their friends.
Also note that these settings are specific to your profile. It does not affect what you post in the forums (which is always visible to all members). The privacy of your posts on your wall or news feed is set at the time you post a status, link, photo or video. When set to "public", it means that all NOD members will be able to see it. Keep in mind that the last chosen privacy setting will apply when you make another post, until you change the setting again.
The address fields in your "Private Info" tab, are never displayed to other members.
The "Hometown & Country" field, however, will be displayed on your profile for other members to see. On this field, you can specifiy as little or as much as you like about your home location, without having to change your actual address information in the Private Info tab. This will allow you to have full control over your own privacy.
Go to "My Account" in the top menu, and then to "Account Settings".
No! Anything in the "Private Info" tab remains private, and cannot be seen by other members. The address fields are mainly important for Upgraded membership, so we know to which address we should send your NOD Membership Card.