The New Order of Druids offers two types of membership: a FREE membership and an UPGRADED membership. By default, every member has a FREE membership upon creating an account on our website. In the comparison table below, you will find an overview of what both memberships have to offer. For more information, click the links of each service above.

FREE Membership
Free for life!
NOD Profile
Standard Courses
(Bard / Ovate / Druid)
without mentor
Course Certificates
(digital only)
Celtic E-Zine
Services & Library
UPGRADED Membership
€ 29,95 / year
NOD Profile
Membership Card
Standard Courses
(Bard / Ovate / Druid)
with mentor
Specialisation Courses
with mentor
Advanced Placement
Course Certificates
(digital/printed version)
Services & Library
(extra services)
Celtic E-Zine
Start a Nemeton

See how much 29,95 € is in GBPUSD, CAD, AUD or visit for other exchange rates.
See how much 49,95 € is in GBPUSD, CAD, AUD or visit for other exchange rates.


At the New Order of Druids, we value the idea that wisdom does not come at a price, that the ability to grow personally should not be limited to what your finances allow. That is why we offer a FREE membership that provides access to our member forums and the standard courses of our Online Druid College. However, running an organisation costs money, and in order to be able to keep offering this for free, we also need to generate an income to pay for our expenses every year.

The Upgraded Membership comes at an affordable price, and offers you many advantages, as you can see in the comparison table above. A membership card will be sent to you by regular mail, and upon your first upgrade you will also receive an introduction booklet. Note that these will only be prepared and sent out once a month.


If you are not a member yet, you need to create an account on our website first. You can do so by clicking "JOIN US". By default, your account is a free account and you are not required to upgrade or pay anything to become a member. Also by default, free memberships remain indefinitely free, so you won't be required to pay or upgrade after any amount of time, and we don't ask you for any credit card or other payment information.

Once you have created your account and logged in, you will be offered the option to upgrade your account. You can choose to upgrade right away, but you can also choose to upgrade at any other time later on - or not at all if you don't want to. To upgrade at any time you wish, go to "My Account" and then "Upgrade My Account" or click the "UPGRADE NOW" button on this page (when you are logged in). On the following screen, you will be offered to choose an upgrade plan. You can choose between one and two years. 

Once you have chosen your upgrade plan, you need to choose how you want to pay. There are three options; Pay Online, Paypal and Offline Payment. If you click "Pay Online", you will be able to make payment through the Stripe platform which offers many common international payment forms (all common credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express, Bancontact for Belgium, iDeal for The Netherlands, Klarna, Payments Canada, Affirm, and several more). If you click Paypal, you can pay using your Paypal account, or if you don't have Paypal but you do have a credit card, you can still make your payment with a credit card. You can also choose Offline Payment, at which points instructions on how to pay by bank transfer will be provided to you. Once your payment is processed, your upgrade should be activated immediately, but please do note that with Offline Payment, your account will not be upgraded until we have received and verified your payment.

More information on how the upgrade procedure works can be found by clicking here.



The New Order of Druids offers various services to our members. Below you will find an overview of these services and what they entail.

NOD Profile

When you create an account on our website, you automatically get your own profile. You can personalize your profile however you want, with a profile picture and information about yourself. Other members will then be able to find and view your profile, just as you can find the profiles of other members and get in touch with them. You are completely in control of your own privacy: you choose what information you want to share with whom. Profiles are always only visible to other NOD members, not to the entire internet. People can't see your profile without logging in to the website first.

NOD Membership Card

Upgraded Members receive a membership package with the post. This package contains an introduction booklet (only the first time you upgrade) and a membership card valid for the duration of your upgraded membership. This membership card can offer you discounts at Nemeton (local NOD group) meetings, such as at the mothergrove in Belgium. The availability and amounts of discounts depend on each Nemeton's own policy. To receive this package, make sure to set "Upgraded Membership card & package" to "yes" in your Account Settings (tab Private).

Standard Courses

We offer a series of standard courses that entail the Bardic, Ovate and Druid Course. These courses are available to all our members. Free members will post their assignments in a specific forum for that course, and at the end of the course they will be asked to take a final exam which will be graded by a mentor.

Upgraded Members can request a mentor for these courses. This means that assignments will be uploaded into the college system, and each time receive a grade by a mentor who guides the students through the course. This means that Upgraded Members don't need to take final exam in the end, as all their assignments were already graded throughout the course.

Specialisation Courses

In addition to our standard courses, we also have specialisation courses that specify on e.g. Celtic history, Celtic deities, Seership, and more. These courses come with mentor guidance by default, except for self-study courses. Specialisation courses are only available to Upgraded Members.

Advanced Placement Program

The Advanced Placement Program (APP) allows students to skip a course. For example, students with ample knowledge of the Bardic aspect of Druidism can apply for this program to skip the Bardic Course and move straight to the Ovate Course. In order to do so, the student will be asked to take an exam in order to illustrate the extent of their knowledge. The APP is only available for the standard courses (Bardic Course and Ovate Course), and is only available to Upgraded Members.

Course Completion Certificates

When you have completed a course, you can request a Course Completion Certificate. At this time, the certificates are only available for our standard courses (Bardic, Ovate and Druid Course). Free members can request a digital certificate, which will be sent by e-mail as PDF file. Upgraded Members can also request a printed version of the certificate, which will be sent by post to the student's home address at no additional cost.

NOD Services and Library

In addition to a profile, your account will also give access to other services, such as an online messenger to contact other members, forums and an activity wall to interact with other members, and our newsletter. In addition, you can also create your photo gallery, and join specific groups or create a group of your own. These services are available to all our members. Upgraded Members have access to additional services, such as the Online Ogham Divination and Merlin's Mind Magic.

Next to these services, our website also contains an extensive Celtic Library with many articles of interest on Celtic history, culture, mythology and spirituality. Our Celtopedia is available to all our members, as well as our download section. Upgraded Members have access to additional areas of our library, such as our library of Celtic manuscripts and articles, Gedcom Family Tree, Celtic Calendar and a selection of Celtic e-books.

Oran Mor Celtic E-Zine

Oran Mór is the name of our quarterly Celtic E-Zine, an online magazine with articles about Celtic spirituality, history, mythology and culture, poetry, stories, news and much more! The e-zine is available to all registered members, both free and upgraded, who are able to download the latest editions as well as all previous editions ever published. The quarterly editions are published at Imbolc (February), Beltane (May), Lughnasadh (August) and Samhain (November).

Free of advertisements

We display non-intrusive advertisements on our website using the services of Google Ads. These ads are banners which will not interrupt your experience of our website, and we don't display annoying popup advertisements. The income of these ads is used to help us pay for the expenses of the upkeep of our website, such as server and software expenses.

Advertisements will in most cases not be displayed to Upgraded Members, as your membership fee already helps with covering the expenses of our website.

Start a local Nemeton

Nemetons are local Druid groves or groups, that gather in meetings and/or organize activities such as seasonal rituals. Upgraded Members have the ability to create their own group in their area.



As a nature-based spirituality organisation, we try to make a contribution to the preservation and protection of the environment. And by upgrading your account, you can contribute too!

For each upgraded membership, we donate 5 Euros to the Nature Conservancy at! This means that, each time you upgrade for one year, we donate 5 Euros; if you upgrade for two years, we donate 10 Euros (5 Euros for each year). Check the website of the Nature Conservancy to see what all they do to help the environment!

For more information about our Nature Charity Fund, go here.



We try to keep our prices low and affordable, as it is not our intention to make large profit out of it, but rather to cover our expenses. Below you can see an overview of our membership fees. If you choose to upgrade for two years, you will receive a considerable discount, as is shown below. You will also see the discount prices for Family Members, see below to learn who can benefit from these discounts. Please note that paid fees are non-refundable!

All fees are in Euros, if you wish to calculate these prices in your own currency, you can use the currency converter links below the table.


  Upgrade Plan       Membership Fee        Your Discount   

    1 year Upgraded Membership    

 € 29.95


    2 years Upgraded Membership    

 € 49.95

 € 10

    1 year Upgraded Membership (family discount)    

 € 14.95

 € 15

    2 year Upgraded Membership (family discount)    

 € 24.95

 € 35


See how much 29,95 € is in GBPUSD, CAD, AUD or visit for other exchange rates.
See how much 49,95 € is in GBPUSD, CAD, AUD or visit for other exchange rates.



Family Members of NOD Upgraded Members are eligible for a family member discount when also upgrading their account. With a discount, you will still have full access to all services and facilities of Upgraded Members, as well as receive an N.O.D. membership card sent by mail. However, only one introduction booklet (for first time upgrades) is sent per family.

The family member is required to live at the same address as the other NOD upgraded member, in order to benefit from the family discount. The discount is only available for family members of an NOD member who already did a full upgrade of his/her account (thus, not through family discount).

Use the Family Discount Upgrade Plans ONLY when you are allowed to apply for it! Abuse of this feature to get access to our Upgraded services at a cheaper price, will result in deactivation of your account and access. Once your upgraded membership has been activated, either manually or automatically, there can be no refunds of your membership fee! You will either have to pay the remaining amount for a normal membership fee, or lose your money and upgrade entirely.

Note on Family Discount: The name of the upgraded family member needs to be filled out in the "Family Member" field of your profile, which can be found in the "Private Info" tab!

If you apply for the family discount, and have read and understood the requirements above,
CLICK HERE to access the family discount upgrade possibilities.