Oran Mór - Celtic E-Zine

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What is the Oran Mór?

The Oran Mór is the quarterly E-Zine published by the New Order of Druids vzw/npo. Its focus is on all aspects of Druidry, with articles, essays, and poems.  The Oran Mór includes regular columns such as:  

  • * Events
  • * A Word from the Council
  • * NoD News/Druid news
  • * A Word from the College
  • * News from the Groves
  • * Celtic related articles
  • * Spirituality-related articles
  • * Season-related articles
  • * Artwork and poetry
  • * Family corner

 In our Oran Mór editions, you will find full length articles on subjects such as Celtic Mythology, Tribe and Land, Celtic History, the Ancestors, Sacred Places, and much more.

When does the Oran Mór E-Zine appear?

We release four editions per year, each time on one of the High Celtic Festivals. In other words: February 1 (the Imbolc edition), May 1 (Beltane), August 1 (Lughnasadh) and November 1 (Samhain). Each edition contains seasonal information for that time of the year, or information about the related Celtic festival.

How can you download the Oran Mór?

The Oran Mór editions are available to download for all members of the New Order of Druids who have an account on this website. You can download the latest edition, as well as all previous editions.

The Oran Mór comes in a PDF format, for which you need the Acrobat Reader (if you don't have it, you can download it from the Acrobat site for free). We do not send the PDF file as an attachment in an email to you, due to its large size (often around 5 MB and sometimes larger), but instead offer you to download it directly from our website. To download it, you can click the link on top of this page. 

Join the Writer's Team! 

Why not join the Oran Mór Writer's Team and get an upgraded membership for free? Read about the advantages and requirements by CLICKING HERE.


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