
Can I use the website on my mobile phone, smartphone or tablet? Open


Our website supports limited availability for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Depending on which phone you have, you may be able to use the website fully or only in part, or in some cases not at all. The display and functionality of our website depends on the brand and model of your device, the screen size, the operating system of your device, the browser, and your personal device settings.

If you visit our website on a tablet, in most cases the website will load normally as it woud on a regular computer. We no longer support WAP access to our websites, on non-smartphone mobile phones.

 If you visit our website on a smartphone, you will automatically be redirected to the mobile version of our website at Our website will then be optimized for smartphone screens, with a more simplistic design which allows easier navigation and less data usage. Some parts of our website, however, are not yet fully optimized for mobile devices, and depending on your screen size it may be better to hold your device vertical, and at other times better horizontal. Some areas, such as the Celtic Library, are not available on the mobile version of our website.

If the mobile version of our website is not working well for you, you can switch to "desktop version", a link which will appear at the very bottom of every page on our website. The regular version of our website will then load, although this is not always optimal for small screens.

If you find that your mobile phone does not allow you to visit our website, we recommend that you use a regular desktop or laptop computer instead.

Posted  5 years  ago by  Phoenix
#51 806 views Edited  5 months  ago

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