Free Celtic Greeting Card Service
NOD offers a Free Celtic E-Card Service. The software has recently been renewed and now offers more than 70 e-cards. Check out this link:
Welcome to the New Order of Druids!
Welcome to the New Order of Druids, where the Ancient Wisdom of the Druids meets the new world of today, for the age of Druids and magic are not our past, they can be our future... So who and what are we?
The New Order of Druids is intended to unite people with the same interest: wisdom and insight. We believe that wisdom is priceless, and therefore, joining our Circle and College is and always will be free. As long as one's intentions are positive, it does not matter which age, gender, nationality or religion one has to enter the Circle. We are not any kind of cult, but a growing Circle of people with similar and different beliefs, uniting together. To read more about us, CLICK HERE.
NOD offers a Free Celtic E-Card Service. The software has recently been renewed and now offers more than 70 e-cards. Check out this link:
We are happy to announce that the website of the New Order of Druids is back online, after a week of intensive work on software upgrades.
At first glance, the website will not look very different from before, as the layout remains mostly the same. Nonetheless, the software behind it has gone through many changes and improvements. This has allowed us to resolve some issues. For example, the problems with uploading images to your gallery, have now been fixed, and you can add your photos to your profile's gallery as well as to the Activity Wall.
The largest change is that of the Grove of Dana - Online Druid College, where we have implemented new software that is much more user friendly. The old software is still available too for existing students, as the course progress could unfortunately not be imported into the new software.
If you are an upgraded member who upgraded prior to August 22, 2017, we have good news for you. To compensate for the week's downtime of the website, we offer you a free extension of your upgraded membership for one full month. You don't have to do anything for this, the expiration date has already been corrected for you to one month later.
Please keep in mind that some minor upgrades will still take place in the upcoming days or weeks. This means that the website might be offline for short times every now and then, although we will try to limit that to an absolute minimum.
We hope you enjoy the renewed website!
As we have informed you before, we have been in the progress of performing software upgrades to improve the website and fix some issues we have been dealing with as of late.As we have informed you before, we have been in the progress of performing software upgrades to improve the website and fix some issues we have been dealing with as of late.
To perform these upgrades, the website will be offline as of Monday, August 21. The upgrades are expected to take up a few days' work at least, so the website will likely be offline during that time, and be back online before the end of the week.
The way the main website looks and works will not change drastically, but there will be major changes in regards to the Grove of Dana online Druid college. We will be switching to a different college software platform that will allow for a much more user-friendly look & feel, a better integration with the main website, and less technical issues.
Once the website is back online, we will be sending out another email with further information. If you are a student in the Druid College, we strongly recommend to keep an eye out for the email later this week, and read it carefully, as it will contain important information for you.
As for members who have paid for an Upgraded Membership, we will provide an extension of the upgraded membership duration to compensate for the downtime of the website this week. This will be done automatically when the website is back online.
Thank you for your understanding.