Undoubtedly, you have heard of the new GDPR privacy regulations which will come into effect on May 25 in the European Union. Privacy on the internet is becoming an increasingly important subject, and it speaks for itself that we at the New Order of Druids value your privacy as well.
In order to ensure that your privacy is held to the new and higher standards of GDPR, we have updated our Privacy Policy, which can be found on our website at this link:
So what changes?
Nothing much. Over the past few years, we had already implemented additional security measures and privacy compliances. For example, we have implemented an SSL-certificate for a more secure https internet connection for anyone who visits our main website. We have also already implemented the possibility for members to request their account to be deleted. What did change is that we have cemented this further into our Privacy Policy.
The Privacy Policy may seem a very boring and technical text to you, but here are some key points you should know in relation to your privacy on our website:
- We never sell any of your information to advertisers or other companies! Any information you provide about yourself, is solely intended for the use of the services our website has to offer.
- The information we have of you is the information you provide us in your profile. You can access this by going to your profile and/or account settings on the website. You can now also access a page that lists all of your personal data, by going to My Wall > Account Settings (hover) > My Personal Data Overview. The button "Save this page", at the bottom allows you to download your information in PDF format.
- You can also change or remove the information in your profile at any time, which means that you are in full control of what information you want to share. Additionally, you will find extensive privacy settings in your profile, allowing you to control which information is or isn't visible to which other members. In all cases, profiles are never visible to non-members.
All this was already available to you prior to today, and it will stay like this in order to keep your privacy safe.  In the future, we hope to automate some of the procedures that are currently still handled manually.
So what do you need to do?
If you still agree with our Privacy Policy, you don't need to do anything. Your account will remain available and active. By continuing to use the services of our website, you automatically agree to our updated Privacy Policy.
If, however, you do not agree with our Privacy Policy, you can ask us to have your account removed. Instructions on how to request an account deletion can be found here (make sure you are logged in first before clicking the link):
Or go to My Wall > Account Settings (hover) > Delete My Account.
We hope that we have properly informed you about the changes to our Privacy Policy, and we hope you will continue to enjoy our website - knowing that your privacy is safe with us.
New Order of Druids