We are happy to announce that, as of August 3, the New Order of Druids has expanded its borders with a new vernemeton (local grove) in Spain.

We welcome Nemeton Keltoi, located in Barcelona, in our international community! If you live in Spain or are interested to find out more about Nemeton Keltoi, please check out their website and social media for more information:

Website: https://keltoi.morganabarcelona.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APIKeltoi.GroveNemetonKeltoi/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apikeltoi_grovenemetonkeltoi/

In addition, we would also like to announce that the international website of the New Order of Druids is now also partially available in Spanish. This means that the basic functionality is now available in the Spanish language, which you can access by clicking the Spanish flag icon at the top of the page (or use the language selector in the left menu when you use the mobile version of the website).

Keep in mind that not the entire website is available in the Spanish language. Content and information articles, news announcements, courses and support communications are still only available in English (and Dutch) at this time. Whenever an area of the website is completely unavailable in Spanish, you will be automatically redirected to the English version of the website.