February is a feastly month for the New Order of Druids. Not only because of Imbolc, but also because February 1, 2008, is the 5th anniversary of N.O.D.!  On this day 5 years ago, the New Order of Druids was first created and opened to the public on the internet.

To celebrate this special occasion, we offer the following:

Discount on 1 or 2 year Upgraded Membership!
- The normal price of 1 year upgraded membership is 29.93 EUR. This is now reduced to 19.97 EUR.
- The normal price of 2 years upgraded membership is 49.64 EUR. This is now reduced to 29.93 EUR.

In other words, you can now upgrade to a two years membership for what is normally the price of one year!  Or you can just upgrade for one year and still profit from the promotional price!

This promotion is valid throughout the entire month of February and will be ended on March 1, 2008.

This promotion is available to both new and existing members, and also for upgraded members who wish to renew their upgrade. There is no additional promotion for the "family member discount". For more information please contact us.

