For quite some time, we have been unable to offer the printed book versions of our courses in the Grove of Dana online Druid college. In the past, these books used to be printed through our Cafepress online shop, until they decided to shut down their book printing services. NOD has therefore decided to bring the books back in print through the online press service of Lulu instead.

We are happy to announce that, as of now, all our course books are back available in print! But there's more:

* Aside from the Bardic and Ovate Course books, we now also have the Druid Course book available in print!
* All books have been reduced in price thanks to the lower printing costs of Lulu, and are now available at only € 12 per book (excluding shipping). 

The books are the same as in the past, except for a size format modification and, in most cases, new book cover images. Some revisions in the text have been done in order to edit out spelling errors that had been overlooked in the past, but the content itself is still the same.

Have a look at the new NOD Bookstore by clicking here and check it out for yourself!

It should be noted that the printed book versions of our courses are intended for those who prefer to read the courses on paper rather than on a screen. You are not obligated to buy these books in order to enrol in our courses, as you will still be able to download the course material in full. All profits from the sales of these books will be spent entirely on maintenance expenses of the New Order of Druids.