Over the past years, many of you have been asking about an option in where you can set up your own local NOD group, to meet with fellow members of the New Order of Druids, organize seasonal group rituals or discuss the courses. Until now, such a group has only existed in Antwerp, Belgium, but it has always been our intention to spread our wings further than that. And today, the moment you've been waiting for has arrived at last!

We are proud to announce the new option of starting your own "Nemeton"!

The word Nemeton is our term for a local group (or "Grove") of people. In fact, we offer two formulas for you to choose from: a Nemeton and Vernemeton. The first is a group closely linked to NOD, and only available to Upgraded Members. The second option, the Vernemeton, is mainly intended as a more loose affiliation with already existing groups (though new groups can apply too), and free for all members to apply.

If you'd like to know more about the various possibilities and requirements, please check out our website at this link:


You will find that the details are greatly explained on the above webpage, but if you still have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! If needed, we will also assist you in setting up your Nemeton, and for Upgraded Members we also offer a Nemeton Course!

Please be aware that the current requirements to start a Nemeton or Vernemeton can be changed over time, as we try to improve our Nemeton formulas along the way. If you have any suggestions, you are more than welcome to let us know about them!

We look forward to see the first NOD Nemetons in the world rise up from the ground!