We would like to wish you a Happy New Year, and our best wishes for a spiritual 2011 to you all!

The year has already started with a positive note, and we are happy to announce that we've been able to make a contribution to help the preservation of Mother Earth and her beautiful nature -- and it's all thanks to you!

In the Spring of 2010, we announced that we would be donating 5 EUR for each member that pays for an Upgraded Membership, and for each year (so that's 10 EUR for those who upgrade for 2 years). Additionially, we made this new policy apply as of January 1, 2010, so that anyone who had upgraded that year, but before the policy was introduced, would also contribute -- we thought it was only fair!

Yesterday, we have calculated the total and donated it entirely to The Nature Conservancy at http://support.nature.org/goto/neworderofdruids 

The total amount which we donated for all Upgraded Memberships of 2010, was no less than 300 EUR or $390 USD!  A big thank you to everyone who contributed by upgrading their account on NOD!  You have not only helped NOD, but also Mother Earth!  The Nature Conservancy is an organisation intent on preserving nature and Mother Earth in various parts of the world, and we've helped make that possible now!

You can see the proof of donation for yourself at this URL:

You will also see on this page, that our yearly goal is set to $500 USD, of which $390 is now already filled in.  We hope to reach this goal by the end of 2011 with free donations (aside from Upgraded Memberships), which can be of any amount that you choose, small or large.  We only need $110 more to achieve this goal -- will you help, even if it's only with a bit?  Go to the above URL and click "Make A Donation". More information can also be found on that page!

Of course, it is without question that we will continue this policy throughout 2011.  So every member that upgrades their account to a 1 year or 2 years Upgraded Membership, will automatically contribute to the yearly donation to The Nature Conservancy at www.nature.org.  Learn more about the benefits and pricing of Upgraded Membership here:


Thank you again for your support!