The New Order of Druids is affiliated with The Druid Network ( since 2006. Today, we have received the following announcement from TDN, which we would like to share with you.

It is with great pleasure we announce to the membership that at a meeting of The Charity Commission on the 21st September The Druid Network was accepted as a charity that furthers religion. This is the culmination of many years of hard work, the Charity Commission did not grant this lightly and questioned all aspects of druid practice, belief,coherence and the public character of The Druid Network (whether TDN is beneficial to the public).

What this means is that Druidry is now accepted as a valid religion under English Charity Law. This gives Druidry equal status with other accepted religions in all areas including the workplace; a huge step and cause for great celebration.

Further details will be given on the website once registration has been completed.

Phil - on behalf of The Trustees.