We are happy to announce that a new version of the Druid Course has now been made available.

While the old Druid Course was intensive in itself, its format was very difficult to maintain for students and mentors alike. A new Druid Course is now available, which provides the necessary reading material already without the need of buying or borrowing books. That doesn't mean that students should not go beyond the course material, we always encourage everyone to read as many books on the subjects as they are able to and feeling up to.

This announcement concerns specifically the Druid Course. If you are currently taking the Bardic Course or Ovate Course, nothing will change for you. The Druid Course is only available to students who have succesfully completed the Ovate Course.

Particular thanks go out to Maya for writing the course, and Elke for editing.

Stay tuned for more news - new specialisation courses are soon to be added as well! The Celtic History Course is already available to all Upgraded Members!