logo 266x288 transparentWelcome to the New Order of Druids!

Welcome to the New Order of Druids, where the Ancient Wisdom of the Druids meets the new world of today, for the age of Druids and magic are not our past, they can be our future... So who and what are we?

The New Order of Druids is intended to unite people with the same interest: wisdom and insight. We believe that wisdom is priceless, and therefore, joining our Circle and College is and always will be free. As long as one's intentions are positive, it does not matter which age, gender, nationality or religion one has to enter the Circle. We are not any kind of cult, but a growing Circle of people with similar and different beliefs, uniting together. To read more about us, CLICK HERE.


Below you can find different versions of the logo of the New Order of Druids.


lable Logo color

Logo large on white background (not transparent), 266 x 288


logo 266x288 transparent

Logo PNG large transparent, 266 x 288 

150pixlogo 85x92

Logo GIF small transparent, for light backgrounds, 85 x 92

150pixlogo 88x96

Logo GIF small transparent, for light backgrounds, 88 x 96

150pixlogo 108x117

Logo PNG small transparent, for colored backgrounds, 108 x 117

150pixlogo 108x117

Logo GIF small transparent, for white backgrounds, 108 x 117


Logo GIF medium transparent, for white backgrounds, 138 x 150

You can help us to
support the Earth!

For each member that pays for an upgraded membership, the New Order of Druids will automatically donate 5 € to the Nature Conservancy @ nature.org in order to preserve nature and life all around the world! By upgrading your account, you do not only support us, but also the Earth!