Zoek een lokale Nemeton in je omgeving

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Nemeton Keltoi logoNemeton Keltoi is a Vernemeton of the New Order of Druids, located in Barcelona (Spain)

Website: https://keltoi.morganabarcelona.com/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apikeltoi_grovenemetonkeltoi/



Based in Barcelona (Spain), Nemeton Keltoi focuses on training those interested in druidism and celebrate the annual round.

This Grove-Nemeton was born 6 years ago in Barcelona, ​​in order to walk the Druidic path. As of August 3, 2020, we have joined the N.O.D as Vernemeton. The purpose remains the same.
It belongs to the KELTOI International Pagan Association (A.P.I Keltoi) and we share the beliefs and ideals of the New Order of Druids.
Currently, we are 9 members of different ages (from 25 to 65 years old). We hold the 8 celebrations of the Celtic wheel of the year in private, although our intention (after a series of changes this year) we intend to make them public. At least those that the climatic conditions of our area allow us.