Recently, there have been some changes in regards to the NOD Nature Donation Fund. This fund was created in 2010 with the aim of gathering funds based on the amount of upgraded membership payments we receive. For every upgraded membership, we set aside 5 € (per year) which is then added to the fund once a year. The fund's beneficiary is The Nature Conservancy, a non-profit organisation active all over the world with preserving life and nature.

Recently, The Nature Conservancy has discontinued their "personal fundraiser pages", which means NOD's fundraiser page was removed as well. While we regret this decision of TNC, it does not affect our fundraising and donations to their nature preserving efforts. However, we like to maintain some transparancy as to our Nature Donation Fund. Since it is no longer possible to track our annual donations on the personal fundraiser page, we have decided to set up a page of our own, on our own website. You can now find all information about the NOD Nature Donation Fund at this link, where we provide a list of our yearly donations - from 2011 until now - in both USD and EUR. The page also contains a donation button for those who want to make a direct donation to The Nature Conservancy. This page will be updated every year when a new donation has been made by NOD.