(This is not an April Fool's joke)

Due to a software issue, the website is currently experiencing a problem with the passwords of new accounts that are registered here. Even after successfull registration and confirmation, the website refuses to log in new members and keeps saying the password is incorrect, even when it is actually entered correctly.

If you wish to create an account on our website, try choosing a password that contains no numbers, capitals or other special characters, only lowercase letters. After successfull registration and logging in, you will be able to change your password to something else of your choice, even if it contains numbers and/or uppercase letters. 

If you still experience problems logging in after registration, please use the "Contact us" form (sub-menu under "Home") to let us know about this. We will then send you a new password, with which you will be able to login. After logging in you will be able to change your password to anything of your choice again.

Note that this does not affect members who are already registered on the website. If you are already registered but still experience login problems, however, don't hesitate to contact us as well.

We apologize for the inconvenience and try to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.