It was long in coming, but it's finally here: the brand new website of the New Order of Druids!

As you will notice, the website has been given a complete new design. The top menu covers all important areas of the website, and by hovering over them you will also see the related sub-menus on which you can click. Of course, there will be more menus and submenus when you are logged in on the website.

Here's an overview of what's new:

1. Brand new "activity wall" (now called "newsfeed") with features similar to those of Facebook.

2. A new design for your user profile

3. Improved private messenger and enhanced chat bar

4. A brand new "Friends Map" which allows zooming and connection lines between you and your friends.

5. Circle Forums have been rearranged. It is now also possible to "like" or "dislike" a topic on the forums. 

6. Brand new Grove of Dana online Druid college (see below)

7. Nemetons Map: search on the map for a Nemeton near you

8. Enhanced NOD Circles with attached forum

9. Newly implemented NODCast - the NOD Podcast

A note on the new Grove of Dana online Druid College:

We have started using new software for handling our College courses. When you go to "Druid College" and "Getting Started", you will find a step-by-step tutorial to get you going on how to start following a course.

If you are already taking a course, you don't need to do anything different. Upgraded Members who are following a course with mentor on our old College software, can continue doing so until they have completed the course. They can go directly to the old College using this link: (link also at the bottom of the "My Courses" page). If you only just started a course there though, we recommend that you re-enrol to start at the new college software.

Right now we are still in the process of setting up our mentors in the new college software, and copying over the last of the courses. This should all be completed in the next few days. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you have any questions, or you have run into what could be an overlooked bug on the website, do not hesitate to let us know.