Dear members,

You may want to know that a new series of courses has been added to the Grove of Dana online Druid college: the Celtic Polytheism Courses.

Celtic polytheism, sometimes known as Celtic paganism, refers to the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Celtic peoples of Western Europe prior to Christianization. In these courses you will study general Celtic history, philosophy, seership studies, environmental studies, and practical exercises. Currently, this series of courses contains a first and second year.

The Celtic Polytheism Courses are only available to Upgraded Members and come with the guidance of a mentor. For more information, make sure to check out the "Druid College" tab on the main NOD website, where you will find that the courses overview layout has been given a thorough facelift as well.

To conclude, we would like to thank Maya for writing these courses and for making them available to the New Order of Druids!