Are you new to the Druid College?


Please select a course from the list below, that you wish to enrol into, or enter. To find out more information about each course, click the title link. 

Ideally, new students start with the Bardic Course and progress from there. If you are a free member, you can go to "Standard Courses without mentor". You can also choose to join the Bardic Course with mentor instead, but these are only available if you upgrade your account first. As an upgraded member, you can also enrol in additional specialisation courses, and all courses will be available to you with a mentor

Students under 18 can choose the Bardic Youth Course instead (look under Youth Courses), which includes a mentor and is available to both free and upgraded members.

IMPORTANT: in order to enter a course for the first time, you need to click "JOIN THIS COURSE" (or "REQUEST YOUR ENROLMENT KEY" for continuation courses) first! You will be asked to fill out an application form, after which you will receive further instructions on how to begin the course. You cannot enrol in continuation courses until you have completed the preceding course(s) first.